Friday 13 June 2008

Transfer Factor-The Science

4Life Transfer Factor is not a vitamin, not a mineral, not a herb. Transfer Factor is the smallest molecule in
colostrum (the first/prematernal milk by breast feeding) So every mother who breast-feeds her infant passes on her
own immunity - in fact she passes on all of the information her immune system has gained during her lifetime. The
most valuable of the "immunity weapons" in colostrum are the smallest molecule called Transfer Factors.
What does Transfer Factor do?
a) Boosts Natural Killer (NK) cell activity by over 100%. In fact a new-generation formulation - Transfer Factor
Plus increases NK cell activity by over 250% - five times more than any other natural products discovered. NK cells
are a key part of our bodies defense against infection and sickness. They seek and destroy infected or malignant
cells through direct contact. NK cells are especially important in fighting cancer cells, and cells infected by
viruses, bacteria and fungi.
b) Raises our immune I.Q. Transfer Factors download a 'blueprint' of the mother's immune system to the
recipient.This provides thousands of new 'photographs' for our immune system to quickly recognise new threats. They
provide accurate information to build a swift attack, cutting down the time it takes to fight infection. They
provide immune markers to more quickly guide T cell reactions to an invader.
c) Suppresses an over-active immune system. An out-of-control immune system attacks healthy cells. The suppressor
fraction of Transfer Factor dampens down this activity. This fraction of Transfer Factor is particularly effective
in fighting conditions such as arthritis, MS, psoriasis, etc.
Where does the colostrum come from?
From Dairy cows supplying milk to the domestic milk market. For many years colostrum was poured to waste - this
resource is now naturally processed to give us Transfer Factor. Of course enough colostrum is kept to provide for
the newborn calves.
How safe is Transfer Factor?
Transfer Factor is 100% safe, natural and completely non-toxic. Researchers have given massive dosages to
volunteers with no negative effects.
Can anyone take Transfer Factor?
Yes - even newborns. Removal of the milk allergens and lactose leaves the essence of the immunological information
in the form of Transfer Factor. Mammals of all kind benefit from taking Transfer Factors.
Can Anyone buy Transfer Factor?
Yes - can be sourced locally, but only from an accredited distributor.
Is it expensive?
Compared to any other immune boosting and modulating product on the market, Transfer Factor is extremely cost
Your health is one of the most important factors for good quality of life and 4Life Transfer Factor is a highly
advanced nutritional product that can give you the support you need for good health throughout your life.

Better Health

In today's world everyday there seems to be a new "Super Bug", a new allergy or the next deadly strain of the flu.

Add to this the added stress of everyday work and life, poor sleep, low energy levels and no REAL solutions.
By a complete moment of random web surfing I stumbled across Transfer Factor and thought I would buy one of their

products and see if it was as good as the site I was reading said it was. At this point I had been working a 7day

week for a few months, wasn't really eating well and sleeping when I could and to be honest had NO energy left so, I

was desperately looking for something to keep me going.

The time from placing the order to it arriving at my door was about 3 days and all looked very exciting. Had I

found the cure to all my problems??? Nothing noticeable happened for about 3 or 4 days but then I DID definitely

notice I felt more lively at work and really felt like I had had a great nights sleep each morning. Strangely my

hay fever allergy seems to be getting better as well!! Maybe coincidence??

It has now been a month since starting the transfer factor products and to be honest I feel about 5 years younger

already and will most certainly continue to purchase more of the products. Value for money and overall results are

excellent and it is so easy to place an order after the initial registration that I am now recommending the

products to all my friends and family.

To try the transfer factor products for yourself try the shop at and try for yourself. As I have said it worked for me and has actually improved my life so why not yours.